version: 240824-1c11bf8e
Help Raimundo with his medical expenses and put a roof over his head
Help Raimundo with his medical expenses and put a roof over his head
Help Raimundo
São Paulo - SP
Vaquinha OnlineSaúde e Emergências
R$ 0,00
Campanha sem meta financeira.
Help Raimundo with his medical expenses and put a roof over his head

Help Raimundo with his medical expenses and put a roof over his head

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil

Dear friends & family,

I am calling upon your help and generosity for a brave, very hard working, kind man and his family who worked for us in Brazil.
Raimundo Soares lived in Sao Paulo with his wife Eliete and their daughter Lara. He was a driver for various families we knew, and worked for us almost the 7 years of our stay there. During that time, him and his wife had stable employment, regular incomes, and managed to save up enough money to buy their apartment and a piece of land in their state of origin. 
Early 2020, barely a year after we left Brazil, the world of the Soares family just collapsed: Raimundo was diagnosed with a kidney disease, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), in which scar tissue develops on the part of the kidneys that filter waste from blood.

Eliete had to quit her job as Raimundo needs full time care to bathe, walk, go to the hospital for dialysis 3 times a week, manage the physical and mental pain etc. Social Security being what it is in Brazil, the Soares had to self-finance the treatment the first 2 years, a very basic treatment as the right treatment was too expensive. As a consequence, they sold their apartment in Sao Paulo and moved to Vitória da Conquista in the state of Bahia, cheaper state, where they have 'some' family. But the financial situation is still very complicated.

We helped the family financially all along, and there is light at the end of this long tunnel: The Social Security finally recognised Raimundo’s illness and is now financing the ‘correct’ treatment to help him survive while awaiting for a kidney transplant, which we have little hope for. His illness will also give him the right to a monthly financial support as he will be incapacitated for life. It is not paid yet but it will come, although it will not be sufficient.

Now, the family is missing 3 important bricks for its safety, for which I am asking your help on their behalf:

·      Eliete, Raimundo’s wife, must take the driving license exam. The family can’t afford the test. She has to drive Raimundo 3 times a week for his dialysis risking to go to jail if anything goes wrong.
·      They must finish building the house on the land they own. We estimate the cost to 30k R$ or €5600, which will enable them to stop paying rent for a roof over their head.
·      They will need all along more money than the social security will give them to provide for basic living costs, specially as their daughter in 12 and still needs to buy school supplies and everything else a child needs. 

I would be very grateful if you could help towards either part of one month minimum wage (€245), help towards to cost of the driving license, or contribute towards the house. They are planning to finish one living room where all would sleep and live, and one bathroom. I would love to be able to help them finish 2 bedrooms as well.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Raimundo was a pillar in our life in Brazil, extremely hard working, and it truly breaks my heart to see what his life has become.


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Help Raimundo

São Paulo - SP

Vaquinha Online

Saúde e Emergências

Campanha lançada em 17/08/2023

Campanha Flexível

R$ 25,00
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R$ 50,00
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R$ 120,00
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R$ 300,00
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