version: 240824-1c11bf8e
Sponsorship to enable the first publications
Sponsorship to enable the first publications
Katechon Publisher
São Paulo - SP
CrowdfundingEmpreendedorismo e Pequenos NegóciosCrenças e Religião
R$ 0,00
Campanha sem meta financeira.

Sponsorship to enable the first publications

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil

Dear friends,

Imagine a world where the rich heritage of the Orthodox Church is accessible to everyone, especially in Brazil and the Portuguese-speaking world. That's the vision of Katechon Publishing House, a newly created lay initiative with a passion for spreading the Orthodox faith through literature. With your support, we can make this vision a reality by publishing our first book and breaking the barriers of Orthodox presence in the Brazilian editorial environment.

Our publishing house may be new, but we already have a strong launch catalogue lined up, featuring renowned authors such as Fr. Josiah Trenham, Elder Ephraim of Arizona, and Saint Seraphim of Sarov, all being translated into Portuguese. These books will provide valuable insights into the teachings, history, and spirituality of Orthodoxy, filling a gap in the availability of Orthodox literature in the Portuguese language.

However, we need your help to get started. As a lay initiative, we do not have any capital or extra resources, but we have tremendous growth potential. Your donation will go directly towards the production and distribution of our first book, which will serve as a stepping stone for future publications. Your contribution will make a significant impact, helping us to bring Orthodoxy to the entire Brazilian territory and the Portuguese-speaking world.

By donating to our crowdfunding campaign, you will become a vital part of our mission to share the beauty and richness of the Orthodox faith with others. Your support will not only help us publish our first book, but it will also pave the way for more Orthodox literature to be available in Portuguese, reaching a wider audience and fostering spiritual growth.

Together, we can make a difference in the world of Orthodox publishing in Brazil and beyond. Join us in this exciting journey and be a part of history as we bring the treasures of Orthodoxy to the Portuguese-speaking world. Donate now and help us spread the light of Orthodoxy to those who are hungry for spiritual knowledge and enrichment.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

The Team at Katechon Publishing House

É muito fácil participar.

Finalize em segundos!

Mais de 2 milhões de brasileiros

Pagamento seguro

Parcele em até 12X

Fale com a Kickante

A mais completa plataforma de
Crowdfunding do Brasil

R$ 0,00
Campanha sem meta financeira. Todo valor ajuda!


Katechon Publisher

São Paulo - SP


Empreendedorismo e Pequenos Negócios

Crenças e Religião

Campanha encerrada em 01/05/2023

Campanha Flexível

+ 2 milhões

de brasileiros participando na Kickante

Meta: 1 bilhão para o Brasil.

Faça parte do movimento Kickante.

+ 100 mil projetos

São milhões de brasileiros impactados!

Painel Transparente

Veja o status real de toda contribuição.