version: 240824-1c11bf8e
Please help me get home
Please help me get home
Earl Teacher
Tianguá - CE
CrowdfundingCaridade e FilantropiaCausas e Comunidade
R$ 0,00 da meta de R$ 6.541,00
Please help me get home

Please help me get home

A plataforma mais premiada do Brasil

Hi everyone,

My name is Earl and I'm reaching out to you for help. I'm currently stuck in Brazil due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I came here as a teacher, excited to share my knowledge and make a difference in the lives of my students. However, the unexpected closure of the school where I was teaching has left me in a challenging situation.

When I arrived in Brazil, I was full of hope and enthusiasm. Teaching has always been my passion, and I saw this opportunity as a way to make a positive impact. I settled in, started my classes, and was building strong relationships with my students and colleagues.

Then, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Schools were closed, and life as I knew it changed overnight. Suddenly, I found myself without a job, far from home, and unsure of what to do next. I have tried to find another teaching job but have had no luck. The uncertainty of the situation has been overwhelming, and I'm desperately trying to find a way back to my home country, the United States.

As a result of the school closure, I've lost my source of income and I'm struggling to cover my basic expenses, let alone the cost of a flight back home. With limited resources and no income, I'm finding it extremely difficult to arrange for the funds needed to purchase a plane ticket.

I'm turning to you, my friends, family, and compassionate strangers, for support. Your generosity can make a world of difference in helping me get back to my home country. With your help, I can purchase a plane ticket and return to the United States.

Any funds raised beyond my goal will be used to cover additional expenses related to my return journey and to support me during this challenging time of transition.

I am deeply grateful for any support you can provide, whether it's through a donation or by sharing my campaign with your friends. Your kindness and generosity will not go unnoticed and will help me navigate through this difficult period.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story and for considering supporting me on my journey back home.

With heartfelt gratitude,


É muito fácil participar.

Finalize em segundos!

Mais de 2 milhões de brasileiros

Pagamento seguro

Parcele em até 12X

Fale com a Kickante

A mais completa plataforma de
Crowdfunding do Brasil

R$ 0,00
da meta de R$ 6.541,000%


Earl Teacher

Tianguá - CE


Caridade e Filantropia

Causas e Comunidade

Campanha encerrada em 25/05/2024

Campanha Flexível

+ 2 milhões

de brasileiros participando na Kickante

Meta: 1 bilhão para o Brasil.

Faça parte do movimento Kickante.

+ 100 mil projetos

São milhões de brasileiros impactados!

Painel Transparente

Veja o status real de toda contribuição.